Top 5 tips for coaching gymnastics Strength & Conditioning on Zoom

Top 5 tips for coaching gymnastics Strength & Conditioning on Zoom

We are in the midst of another lockdown which means only one thing… Zoom coaching calls! With so much virtual physical preparation coaching taking place I thought I would share with you my top 5 tips for getting the most out of every Zoom session you do with your gymnasts.


  • Get a clear view: Make sure your gymnasts are moving the camera to make the most of each exercise. You can’t coach what you can’t see so ensuring you are getting the optimal view for each exercise is vital. Some exercises may require a lateral view in order to coach and correct common faults where others may require a front on view. Bearing this in mind prior to the session will help it flow smoother. If we take a single leg landing for example viewing it from the front is ideal if you want to be watching for knee valgus, hip alignment and foot contact.


  • Don’t flood the silence: The temptation is to fill every moment of silence. However, think back to the gym environment. We don’t flood every bit of silence with coaching we aim for concise coaching cues that the gymnast can relate to, tweak and change the movement. So why change how you coach just because it has gone virtual? If coaching during a set aim for single phrases to refocus the gymnast’s attention on what they should be thinking about, if anything more is required wait till the end of the set and discuss what would like to see more of in the following set. Remember it is only silent for you as the coach as the gymnasts will be busy training away.
  • Have a plan: Sounds simple but having a plan for the session and how that fits into a block of training will help you focus in on what session content is required in order to meet the aims of the session. It’s all too easy to get distracted by the newest drill or exercise. Where in fact during this period sticking to what you know is effective and gets results is the way to go and having a plan will help with this decision making. If you haven’t got a session template, click the link and feel free to use the one I use.

  • Hold the attention: Nothing worse than starting the next set or exercise and a gymnast hasn’t got the memo and you are frantically trying to explain while the rest of the group has started. One way to avoid this is the simple task of getting the gymnasts to kneel down in front of cam in-between sets or exercises. This simple action will hold the gymnasts attention and they are significantly more likely to take in instructions or coaching if required, meaning everyone has the information they need in order for the next set or exercise to be effective.
  • Explain the why?: Anyone who has followed my work for a while will know this is huge for me! Explaining the why to the gymnasts has never been more important than it is now. What I mean by this is that they should understand why the physical prep they are doing now will benefit their gymnastics when they are ready to return back to the gym. It’s has never been more important as it is hard from them to relate the exercise they are doing in their living room, bedroom or even garage to the gymnastics environment and it is up to us as coaches to paint that picture for them.

Did you know I am now offering weekly Strength & Conditioning Zoom sessions for clubs and individual gymnasts? For further details email or DM me on Instagram @danlonsdalesc for prices and booking information.


Dan Lonsdale ASCC, CES, PES.

Gymnastics Strength & Conditioning Coach